Tuesday, July 20, 2010

College anyone?

For those of you going to college this year: I hope you can relate to my situation. The fun of meeting new people, the fear of not making friends as quickly as you'd like, the anticipation (or in my case minor anxiety issue) of moving away from home, and the excitement of starting something new...but i'm not quite there yet. In fact i haven't even gone to orientation yet. Not for two more weeks. The waiting through out this whole process is the worst: waiting to get your admissions decision, waiting to move in, waiting to start classes, and then waiting for summer again! And thats where I am now. Never have I wanted a summer to move quickly and then when i finally do it just goes even slower. Don't get me wrong I love the summer. What can beat pier jumping twenty feet into the ocean and trips to the local Sonic for a bite to eat at two in the morning? Not much. Still, the move-in day seems so far away; somewhere in the vicinity of fourty-or-so days? I just try to keep myself occupied until then.